I've never wanted to wear a table cloth more in my life. Last night at the Wildflower Linens Grand Opening celebration, the adorable founder, Youngsong Martin, draped the uber-gorgeous models only in linens and chair ties to create unbelievably fashionable frocks to strut down the runway. Aside from the awe-inspiring sexiness of the 5-inch heels they were wearing, I managed to fall in love with just about everything they wore. Her fashion show concept just goes to show how intimately related wedding decor trends are to the fashion world. And? I heart fantastic linens with ruffles and feathers and rhinestones. But you know that about me by now.
Oogle over these babies. And don't be shocked if you come over unannounced sometime and I'm wearing my cute kitchen table cloth. Just sayin.
Please excuse the quality of the photos - taken from my iphone - but you get the idea.
And my favorite of the night: